Nursing Workforce Transition to Perioperative Program
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Nursing Workforce Transition to Perioperative Program

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Nursing Workforce Transition to Perioperative Program


About this course

The Nursing Workforce Transition to Perioperative Program establishes a foundation level of knowledge and skills nurses require to work in a Perioperative environment. The program is focused on clinicians providing holistic person-centred care in combination with the theoretical understanding of guidelines and perioperative principles. The program combines simulation and clinical practice experience in the Perioperative environment ensuring rotation across all subspecialties where possible.


Program Objective
• Develop basic understanding of the principles and practice of perioperative nursing.
• Apply critical thinking and clinical decision-making skills within a professional, legal, and ethical framework.
• Reinforce perioperative nursing practices and apply newly applied skills.


Program Information:

Duration: Approximately 24 weeks when pursued full-time.

Professional Experience: A total of 760 hours, comprising 380 hours of clinical placement across all Perioperative Nursing subspecialties and an additional 380 hours of PAID internship with ANATE industry partners.


Who is eligible to enroll in the Nursing Workforce Transition to Perioperative Program?

This program is designed for Registered Nurses seeking to transition into Perioperative Nursing and build a strong foundation in this specialised field. Eligibility criteria may vary, so please check with the ANATE Program Coordinator for specific requirements.

What are the primary focus areas covered during the program's clinical placement?

The clinical placement component of the program covers a wide range of perioperative nursing subspecialties to provide a well-rounded experience. This includes areas such as pre-operative, intra-operative, and post-operative care, as well as exposure to various surgical specialties.

Are there any financial benefits for participants during the program?

Yes, participants can benefit from a PAID internship of 380 hours with ANATE industry partners, which is included as part of the program. This provides an opportunity to gain valuable experience while earning an income.

Can I pursue this program on a part-time basis, or is it only available as a full-time option?

While the program is typically designed for full-time study, part-time options may be available. Please contact ANATE Program Coordinator to discuss this option.

Is there any assistance or support provided to participants during the program?

Yes, participants will receive support and guidance from experienced instructors and mentors throughout the program. This ensures that you have the resources and assistance needed to succeed in your transition to perioperative nursing.