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ANATE Empowers Tomorrow

ANATE believes that empowerment in education and training fosters self-confidence, independence, and active learning, enabling individuals to take ownership of their learning journey and contribute meaningfully to their personal growth and society. We take a holistic approach with our students so that they are competitive in their careers.

Our Team

Our ANATE team comprises accomplished professionals with diverse expertise dedicated to shaping the future of nursing in Australia. From clinical practice to leadership, our team embody competence, compassion, and collaboration. Together, we're working to promote optimal patient outcomes and a healthier future for all. Discover our team members and their impactful contributions below.

Sophie Najjarin
Chief Executive Officer

At ANATE, we’re here to help students with building competence, fostering confidence and accessing the network of our expert trainers for better outcomes in their careers.

Angelyn Taruc
Operations Manager



acts to educate, empower and improve employment options for students.

Our Vision

is to be the trusted partner for employers driving workforce acquisition, development and empowerment for enduring success.

Our Mission

is to educate and empower students, and to nurture pathways to successful careers.


Our team comprises seasoned professionals with a wealth of industry expertise and connections. ANATE is your steadfast ally.

Hands-On Learning

Embracing hands-on learning, our courses and workshops seamlessly integrate practical activities, equipping participants with real-world skills alongside theory.

Employable Skills

We prioritise essential employability skills alongside technical expertise, ensuring well-rounded team members.

Innovative Approach

Innovation in training is vital for adapting to changing skills, personalising learning, and engaging employees effectively in today's dynamic workplace

Corporate Social Responsibility

At ANATE, we are committed to making a positive impact where we live, work, and do business. We believe in responsible business practices, but also in the well-being of our communities and the sustainability of our planet. Our Corporate Social Responsibility is built on four core pillars:

Youth Engagement

We recognise that young people are the leaders of tomorrow. We are dedicated to empowering youth by providing opportunities for education, mentorship, and skill development. Through partnerships with educational institutions, internships, and youth-focused initiatives, we aim to nurture the talents and aspirations of the next generation.


Protecting our planet is a responsibility we take seriously. We are committed to reducing our environmental footprint by implementing sustainable practices across our operations. This includes reducing energy consumption, minimising waste, and supporting conservation efforts. We strive to be a leader in environmental stewardship, setting an example for others to follow.

Health and Wellbeing

The well-being of our employees and the communities in which we operate is of utmost importance. We prioritise the health and safety of our workforce and support initiatives that promote overall well-being. We also engage in projects that enhance access to healthcare and wellness resources in underserved areas, working to improve the quality of life for all.

Diversity and Inclusion

We celebrate diversity in all its forms and believe that an inclusive workplace fosters innovation and creativity. We are committed to creating a culture that values and respects differences, where every individual (including women in trades) feels valued and empowered to contribute their unique perspectives. We actively promote diversity in our hiring practices, leadership roles, and partnerships.

These four pillars are the foundation of our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility. We recognise that our actions impact the world we live in, and we strive to be a force for positive change. By engaging with youth, protecting the environment, supporting health and wellbeing, and championing diversity and inclusion, we aim to make a meaningful and lasting difference in the lives of people and the health of our planet.


Do your courses lead to National Accreditation?

No. Our courses are focused on the immediate needs of students and employers. Our courses help students attain the working knowledge and experience needed to progress their careers and secure the next job now. Many of our partner employers provide traineeships and apprenticeships and use our courses to gauge the readiness or appropriateness of our graduates.

Do I get a certificate of completion?

Yes, but you get more than that. When you participate in our courses, you may also receive a reference, an introduction to partner employers or even a job offer.

Are your courses suitable for personal development or enrichment?

Yes, non-accredited courses like ours can be an excellent choice for personal growth, skill enhancement, or pursuing a hobby or interest. We provide a holistic approach to education providing empowerment and employability rewards. That doesn’t mean that students can’t pursue a more social pathway for themselves.  

What is the refund policy?

Please refer to our refund policy on our website or contact info@anate.com.au.